September 19, 2024

Garden tractor Cab Windshield Frame built.

awindshieldhinge, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

jd 455 diesel Cab Progress- Today I installed the Lexan windshield to the newly built hinged frame. It opens great to get hood access to the engine. Now I am building a visor to eliminate some rain and wet snow from falling on the windshield while doing snow removal in less than perfect weather, ha,ha. I should get the visor and the frame sanded and painted by tonight . Tomorrow I’ll mount some overhead cab lights for working late into the night , tee, hee.
64 degrees today – Deb and I went out for lunch and it is so nice outside. Our morning walk was just delightful with 60 degrees compared to the 29 degree morning we been walking in.
The New Normal – The weatherman is saying these record breaking temps high and low could be the new normal all over the world. If that is the case we will end up having another mild winter with a piddly 100 inches of snow. Oh Well, it is what it is and just as long as i get a few snowstorms that will be terrific.
Have a great Sunday !!