September 20, 2024

Garden Tractor Hood , Plasma Cutting

aplasmacuttingproject, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

4×4 articulating garden tractor – Todays progress picture shows me working on the top of the 1/2 scale tractor hood. I had it marked out last night and this morning I used my plasma cutter to cut the openings. It is a little tricky to cut freehand but I do pretty good at it getting nice straight lines and nice curved corners. Now I am welding the screen in the holes next. This afternoon I will cut out the first new front frame pieces.
Ice Storm for Gaylord – No school today but it could have been much worse. We had freezing rain most of the night but it did not stick to the trees and break any branches or take down any power lines. On top of the ice we got about 3 inches of wet snow so that gave traction on top of the ice. It was tough to shovel it by hand because of the layer of ice underneath . So I fired up my little Waldon Loader and scraped it with that and it did a great job.
Have a great Friday !!