September 20, 2024

GAYLORD BLIZZARD OF 2009 , Don Campbell keeping on top of the 24″ three day storm video !!

GAYLORD BLIZZARD OF 2009 , Don Campbell keeping on top of the 24″ three day storm video !!, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Otsego County Blizzard Gaylord Herald Times Video –
( CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE JOHN DEERE PLOWING VIDEOS)   (PART TWO CLICK HERE )Today I woke up thinking the storm might be done and when I walked out in the driveway we had got another 5 inches of snow overnight. So I warmed up the John Deere and off I went to move some snow. The windchill was zero this morning as Deb braved the blizzard of 2009 to get live footage of her favorite snowplowman hard at work, ha,ha. She said she really loves her snowplow man and well he takes care of her snowplow needs, ha,ha,ha.
It is still snowing and blowing and another snowday for the school kids . We will hit 24″ of snow later today from this first real storm of the season. VERY COOL !! It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year !!!
Hey Deb !! I am So excited it is snowing ! I’m going to celebrate and take you out for Lunch at Applebees. – Well, we went to Applebees because we now have $150.00 worth of free meals from our credit card rebates . I ordered a full rack of ribs and Deb ordered a Ruben . It’s even more fun eating out when it is Free !! Well, when they brought the food , and the waitress left, I saw my ribs were burnt to a crisp , but when i bit into them , they were actually cold. I asked the manager nicely if I could talk to the manager , she said yes. The manager came over and took one look at the burnt ribs and said we will get a second rack of rims out for you . But I told him that was fine, if he could just adjust the bill , I wasn’y that hungry anyway. He nicely said the ribs would be subtracted from the bill. I have heard too many stories about taking food back and the cook spitting on it . So I wasn’t taking any chances. So I did peel off the burnt parts and eat the cold parts anyway knowing they were at least not spit on.
So Deb and I had a laugh about it and another funny story to tell Nicole and Bill. Little did we know I would really get the ribs Free , ha,ha.
No Treadmill – We skipped the workout this morning knowing we got a lot of snow shoveling to do outside later.
Hitachi – Today I will work more on the track frame center structure.
CHRISTIANS – You don’t have to memorize the Bible or go to church every Sunday or join a Church and say and do and dress exactly like everyone else in the church to be a Christian .
This time of year if you are a Christian first of all be very proud to say Merry Christmas to everyone you talk too.
Have a Great Friday !!!!!!!!