September 19, 2024

Gaylord Couple enjoys Atlantic City with their Daughter and Son-In-Law.

HOME FROM VACATION – Todays picture is Bill, Nicole , Me and Deb at Atlantic City. We have a lot of laughs together and that is one of the greatest things we like on our visits to see them.
We got home today from another fun vacation in Washington D.C. and two nights in Atlantic City with Nicole and Bill. This was our third trip to the Ocean , once to Va. Beach, Once to Ocean City, and then this trip to Atlantic City.
Each time we experience a little something different , but still great fun as always with Nicole and Bill.
We are very lucky to have such a nice Son-In Law (:>). and even more lucky to have such a wonderful daughter (:>) (:>)
Deb and I are the first to admit we made a few mistakes as parents, but it sure feels good when Nicole tells us that we are great parents. (:>).
I always get a little anxiety spending so much money on vacation. Deb and I are pretty frugal most of the time, but money flows quickly through my hands eating in the big city, ha,ha.
Nothing is under $10.00 , even a bowl of soup in a nice resturaunt?
Deb and I always split a meal all the time, so even getting a burger and fries and sharing it in the city comes to $28.00 with the tip !! But we just laugh and shake our heads. So you can imagine how much Nicole and Bill’s bill is ??, ha,ha.
Another time Deb and I each got a bowl of soup and pop , and with the tip it was $30.00 ! , ha,ha.
And that was our two cheapest meals , LOL
Even though we don’t make much money , we still enjoy our little resturaunt adventures every night with Nicole and Bill we are in D.C. and Atlantic City. We never complain and look forward to the new experiences Nicole has planned for us.
Often times we barely have enough gas money to get back home , Ha, Ha, Ha, just kidding , we always have funds set aside just to blow on vacations . Nicole did get that quality from us, she is very aware of her daily money situation , ha,ha, but Bill ?, not so much?, he seems to be a shop a holic , ha,ha. Just kidding , we are also very grateful Bill is very good at money management skills like the three of us.
Nicole has taught us to always try new adventures on every visit .
I’ll have to say , she was right in doing so as we have a lot of fun memories because of her that we would not have ever tried.
This morning we had a little adventure as we pulled out of the motel, we were turning to get gas and coming straight at us about 40mph was a car that had just been T-boned and on two wheels and the parts were flying hitting our front bumper and we swerved and the car just missed us, crossed 4 lanes of traffic and flew into the ditch and up the other side of the ditch where it stopped. I swerved and just missed the whole front bumper hitting us as it flew off that car. So we thanked God for watching over us (:>) this morning on our trip back home to Michigan.
MOREL MUSHROOMS- We called our mushrooming buddy tonight and he said ( They are OUT and it’s great mushroom picking !! )
So tomorrow we will be getting more morel mushrooms , umm, umm
MOTORHOME – Tomorrow I will also go get the motorhome and get it ready for this summers camping season.
It’s been a week since I worked in the shop, but Monday morning I will get back to doing the final assembly on the Liebherr R9800 . One more week it could be completely done and I’ll be cutting out the first parts for the RH-400 Mining Shovel Model.