September 20, 2024

Gaylord gets 4 more inches of snow today

aaabackup, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Eight Inches of snow for us the last two days so it looks like were going to have a white Thanksgiving for sure in Gaylord.
Deb decided to unpack her Christmas things to sit around the house now that we have snow and it feels like the holidays .
She has about 30 angels and about 50 cute little snowmen she has collected over the last 41 years. They sure make our house look festive. (:>)
We got our turkey thawing in the frig and all the fixens bought so we won’t even have to deal with the last minute turkey crowd the next few days.
Christmas Shopping still 99.9% done. I won’t ever say were 100% done because everytime we go somewhere we seem to pick up something small to add to the gifts.
My Folks – My mom spends a lot of time at the nursing home these days with my dad.
It will be sad this holiday without him at home.
We continue to pray for them everyday .
Have a nice Sunday .