September 19, 2024

Gaylord Herald Times , Don Campbell gets medal in first Alpenfest 5K run.

Gaylord Herald Times- Alpenfest 2010 is all but memories now until next summer. But for Don Campbell it couldn’t be a greater memory as he ran his very first Alpenfest 5K race with a time of 23.30 and finished second place in his age bracket. He placed 4th place in three younger age brackets and he finished 7th place in the 20 year old age bracket. Don ran his first ever race just last fall at the age of 57 years old and placed 3rd place in a Northern Va. 5K race. Don said he missed winning first place at the Alpenfest 5K by just one and a half minutes. He has already started new training to better his time and come in first place with a time of 20 minutes next year. Yesterday he began a evening bike schedule of riding a minimum 5 mile forced bike ride several nights a week. This really shows that the elderly like Don can start getting back in shape even at the age of 57 years old. In these times of everyone having such struggles with their weight Don really is a inspiration to all of us. Dr. Phil says we all having defining moments in our lives and Don shared his with us. He said last year his daughter Nicole had been struggling with being more healthy and wanted to feel better and she began running and in the fall asked her dad if he wanted to run in a 5K race with her. That was the defining moment because the next day Don was out running along the streets of Gaylord preparing for his first race with Nicole.
Thanks Don for sharing this Feel Good Story of The Day With us .
Note: This article would have been a nice Gaylord Herald Times Feel Good Story but instead was written by Don’s freelance writer friend Jimmy.