September 20, 2024

Gaylord Herald Times , Happy Birthday Bill and Fred !!!

Happy Birthday – Over the years Deb, Nicole and I would see the Heath boys around Gaylord and always commented on how ambitious they were. We also commented on how kind they were and friendly to everyone. Occasionally Deb or Nicole would see them doing yard work with no shirt on and look at each other and make some weird noise , not sure what that meant, ha,ha.
But the one thing that stood out and impressed us the most was there love for God . Very strong Christians !!
Little did we know that in a few years our daughter Nicole would be walking down the aisle with one of them .
She really didn’t care which one just so she married one of them , LOL , ha,ha,ha,ha. JUST KIDDING Nicole, ha,ha.
Bill and Fred were twins and their older brother Mike were always entering some type of event around the area to compete and have fun but mostly to win  ha,ha.
Many times we would read in the Herald Times about them organizing and participating and winning .
I almost forgot to mention there dad is built much better than they are but he was too modest to pose with them. Even their mom won a race last summer so it runs in the family. She wanted to pose with them but they wouldn’t let her, ha,ha.
Putting aside the fact Bill was pretty healthy and Nicole and Bill fell in love with each other over 14 years ago , today on his Birthday we are so happy because he is such a wonderful husband to our only daughter Nicole.
Nicole is so important to us and to have Bill be so good to her means so much . Now they have the baby boy Terak and it is no surprise Bill is a excellent dad. Thanks Bill and have a very Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!