September 19, 2024

Gaylord Herald Times Newspaper Article that came out in our paper yesterday about the Tri-Star Mining Accident. A Sad week for many people .

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Gaylord Herald Times Newspaper Article that came out in our paper yesterday about the Tri-Star Mining Accident. A Sad week for many people .

Gaylord Herald Times Newspaper Article that came out in our paper yesterday about the Tri-Star Mining Accident. A Sad week for many people .

As I sit here at my computer this Sunday morning with the sun shining in the window and 70 degrees predicted for this gorgeous day ahead, I can’t stop thinking about all the people who’s lives changed last week and that will never be the same.
There is no doubt we live in a world that is very violent . It has been since the beginning of time when Abel killed Cain in the Bible Times.
To think we can round up up all the crazy people with guns or we can make every job site in coal mine country 100% safe from future incidents is impossible. I try to see the positive in things and not the negative. I am having trouble doing that this morning.
All I can say is we need to be sure we have no regrets should this be our last day . All these innocent people had no idea they would not live to see another week. And sad to say , this week we will lose many more who will go before their time.
This makes me think I better get in gear and get right with God again myself. I have been a backslider for a while , just trying to coast along .
If there is any positive in this sad week, maybe it is to remind me that today could be my last day. And the sad thing is, if I go today , I am not certain I will go to Heaven.
So along with your prayers to all who have had such a sad week, may be if you could include me in your prayers to help get me strong again and get back close to God.
I always write at the end of my
Sunday E-mail post, ( ” Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love “) Well, today I mean it twice as much.
I am very grateful God has given me another beautiful day to spend with Deb . I feel very blessed for this new day .