September 19, 2024

Gaylord Herald Times says another Alpenfest has come and gone.

alpenfest10K, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Alpenfest 2012 10K Run- Great Job Katie, Nicole and Angela.
Cool temps and cloudy skies made conditions absolutely perfect for a morning 10K run through the streets of the Alpine Village. Only one rainy day and that was very welcome to everyone with such dry conditions. Todays parade also was a great success as the sun popped  out and it warmed up just in time.
Tonight things will be tore down and we have to say goodbye to Alpenfest 2012.
Also our time with Nicole, Bill and baby Terak is over until they return in the winter
Funny how some grown up kids come home with their kids and they want to be treated like little kids again by their parents. Nicole comes home and said  she does not want that , ha,ha. I think she had enough of us being overprotective during her teenage years, ha,ha.
It’s very healthy not to have our kids grow up and want to move next door to us. Nicole loves the city life and her job and we respect what makes her happy. It’s no longer about us .
Until next year , we had another great week at Alpenfest.
We thank God for one more day he has given us.