September 19, 2024

Gaylord Herald Times says it is HOT !!!!!!!

aicecreamtruck, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

How Hot is it DON ??
Deb and I were walking towards the ice cream cart and by the time we arrived it was too late !!!
Another extreme day of heat for Otsego County. Over 7000 records have been set already in this heat wave of 2012 . The weather channel says and much more to come . With 55% of the corn crop curled up in the fields food prices will be going up again. Millions of acres of forest fire devastation that will not recover in our lifetime our our childrens lifetime.
This could all be reasons to start drinking or go get a bunch of prescription drugs. NOPE !, just very grateful for this one more Hot day God has given us .
Stay COOL !!