September 20, 2024

Gaylord man finishes his first 5K in second place.

Bill and Don – Todays picture shows Bill and I warming up for running the 5K yesterday . Bill was surprised how well I did for a old guy, ha,ha.
Race results show I finished in my age bracket in a whopping second place !! Also I ended up beating 240 other people younger than me. So I was very happy with those numbers after wondering for the last 25 years about my old running days.
Today I am moving a little slow and so is Deb. I am getting ready to head out and walk and run a little down to the Potomac River to see if my body funtions still work properly, ha,ha. Deb said she thinks she will wait til tomorrow to see if her body works or not, ha,ha. As I hobbled out the door this morning she couldn’t make it to the window to wave goodbye, ha,ha. Just kidding. I wasn’t really hobbling .
Now a day later I have had time to evaluate things a little. As we lined up and waited for the starting signal , I glanced around at the hundreds of people all sizes , ages and sizes. My first short term goal was to beat the fellow in front of me. He didn’t have a ounce of fat on him, but something told me I might be able to pass him. I mentioned it to Bill and he told me it could be done as he was only 8 years old, ha,ha. It really did take me the first mile before I passed him? Then my second goal was to pass the 85 year old guy in front of me, later I found out he really was 85 ! really. At the 1.5 mile point I passed him and I now was getting confidence. Next on my hit list was a little old lady pushing a shopping cart but Bill told me she was not in the race, ha,ha. At the two mile marker I was really feeling relaxed and loose. A really good song came on the headphones and I decidedit was time to show these folks what a good training program could really do. I cranked up the music and told Bill I would see him at the finish line (:>). As I looked back and saw Bill fading in the distance I felt bad , but this was no time to be a slacker for Bill. Then before I knew it, Bill had caught up with me and and looked at me and said , DAD, IT’S GO TIME !!! It was like I was bonding with the son I never had (:>). As we proceded to pass dozens and dozens of slower runners, I got more and more energy. As we turned around and headed the uphill part of the course Bill said to me he couldn’t run any faster. That was a very proud moment for me. I wanted Bill to be proud of me and I think he really was.
Deb’s Race Results- Deb finished a whopping third place in her age bracket !! I am so proud of her !! Nicole stayed next to her the whole race and was a excellent coach. Great Job DEB !!
We will remember this day for many years.
Have a Great Sunday with the ones you love
Each day Deb and I thank God for just one more day together.
We will try to enjoy today and not take it for granted.

Check out Nicole’s Account of the Day and Photos