September 20, 2024

Gaylord man runs first 5K race in memory of his Sister .

Many of you have e-mailed me over the years sayying you also enjoy the personal part of my webpage. Many of you say you feel you really know me and my family but we have never met.
Tomorow I will run a 5K race that has been long overdo. 25 years overdo in fact.
As many of you know it was a few weeks ago that Nicole ran her first race of her life and she asked me if I wanted to run a race with her and Bill this fall. I said it sounded great !! But I was at my heaviest weight of 220lbs. so it wasn’t going to be easy.
It’s still hard to believe tomorrow I will be running with Nicole , Deb, and Bill.
It is going to be very special
Have a great Friday