September 19, 2024

Gaylord , Michigan Snowmobile Trails excellent condition

anothersnowfall, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Gaylord snowfall returns- A week ago temps were almost 50 with pouring rain. But in the last three days the lake effect machine has been running steady off the Great Lakes dumping over ten inches of new snow. We went to bed last night with 36 degrees and light rain and thunder and woke up with another 4 or 5 inches of snow.
JD 455diesel 47inch snowblower- Todays picture looks similar to yesterdays picture but this is in my front driveway and you can see the snow is 5 or 6 inches deep on the level. A layer of water below partically froze underneath but the new snowblower passed the test on day two. I am very happy with it.
JD 110 – Yesterday I fired up the engine for the very first time !! It actually ran great and very happy . Got a couple wire issues because it won’t shut off but I am getting closer to getting it right , ha,ha. yippee !
I actually got on it and drove it back and forth in the workshop three times. (:>)
Hot Rod John Deere – Would you believe yesterday I also got Terak’s engine running for the very first time !! woo,hoo !! It runs rough and needs carb fine tuning but I am getting closer on it too , yippee !!
jd narrow front – Today I will start working on that engine going through checking and replacing any cracked wires, clean all the connections and pull the carburator apart and clean it. Who knows in the next few days i could get it running for the very first time too. Then I will be excited knowing all three of them are getting close to driving them. (:>)
Have a great Sunday