September 20, 2024

Gaylord Railroad Tracks being Constructed by Don Campbell .

railroadtracks, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Lake State Railroad – Todays picture shows the newest section of railroad track being assembled in Don Campbell’s workshop. The next step is to paint the railroad ties black.
Garden Railroading – I’m sure this would have been fun with a engine and a few cars and a Chessie caboose riding around the yard . Train Mountain looks like an amazing place for train lovers.
I still think about the Junction Valley Railroad visits to the 1/4 scale railroad riding with Deb and Nicole several times when Nicole was young. In a couple years we will have to take Terak there to ride the train with his mom and dad. (:>)
Each time I went their I was just amazed at the little locomotives and in the back of my mind thought someday I might have to try making a model of one. I am so excited to see the Chessie GP-40 getting close to completion. I never know until it is completely done how each model will look. If i made more than one in the exact same scale I could fine tune each one , but building one prototype with very little information is risky .
Snowplowing – We got a lot of wind overnight and a few inches of snow , the wind blew a few driveways almost clean and others full with 4 or five inches of snow. So I ended up getting the John Deere out and cleaning some driveways this morning.
March 1st – One week from today is the last day of Feb. and we are looking forward to March 1st . I can’t wait to get going running again .
I’ll start out slow again but not going to push the off road biking as hard. That actually hurt my hip last fall for a couple months.
Have a great Monday !!