September 19, 2024

Gaylord Runner Runs Thirty-Five 5K runs in the last 40 days.

Otsego County 5K Run- Todays picture shows Don Campbell running along the sandy beach with the beautiful view of the Mighty Mackinaw Bridge behind him. This morning Don completed his thirty-fifth day of running a morning 5K in the last 40 days.
What is unusual is just 3 months ago Don couldn’t run 2 blocks.
What motivates a old man to do something so crazy ?
It was his daughter Nicole running her first 5K a few weeks ago and she suggested maybe I would want to run with her in the spring.
Well you all know there is a special bond between father and daughter , ha,ha so that was all it took (:>).
Now I am like a old man crazed !! I just can’t stop running
People tell me it is just WRONG to run everyday , but if it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right !! , ha,ha.
I am not loosing much more weight but my fat body really is shrinking and that feels great. I have anxiety now knowing the snow is coming and the icy roads so it will force me inside to run everyday on the treadmill. But by that time i will be fine with it. In the meantime I will continue to see how many more 5K runs i can complete outside.
HEY DEB , WHATS FOR SUPPER – Nothing !! You keep complaining your not losing weight so today I am going to help you out !! LOL You make yourself a bowl of shredded wheat and no dessert and we’ll see if that doesn’t help a little, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.
Besides it’s friday and I’m heading to Traverse City to the mall. (:>)
Waldon Loaders – The Waldon loaders got a lot of response with E-mails. Everyone enjoyed the video clip. I may end up building a cab on them but for now I will do most of the snow removal inside my nice warm John Deere cab with my favorite songs playing on the stereo . (:>).
Rimpull Bottom Dump Trailer- I started working on the bottom of the first trailer designing the openings for the first doors.
HAVE A GREAT FRIDAY and don’t waste these last nice fall days.
Remember , Jesus is the reason for all the seasons !!