September 20, 2024

Gaylord Resident trains for his first race in Washington D.C. in his fifties.

COUCH POTATO TO 5K IN 8 WEEKS- Todays picture shows me after just four weeks of running / walking every morning around Gaylord.
Just four weeks ago I could not run one block , but today I ran 25 blocks so I am proof it can be done . I got four more weeks until we make the drive to D.C. and I enter my first ever running race along side Nicole and Bill.
I admit it is not easy, my knees are sore everyday , but my whole body used to be sore everyday, ha,ha. Now it’s just my knees. (:>).
Maybe this is the answer to my weight problem that I have had now for the last 5 years. I have lost 14 lbs. in the last four weeks and I got to lose 26 more lbs. and if I can do that I should be able to really move on these skinny legs of mine, ha,ha,ha.
STEAK AND SCALLOPS ON THE GRILL – This afternoon we will fire up the grill and cook one of my favorite meals, I love beef tenderloins and scallops together , yum !! SMALL PORTIONS is the key though , no more of that all you can eat type meals. Now days the whole meal should fit in the palm of your hand easily.
Liebherr Truck Progress- I got the rear suspension built yesterday.
Have a great Sunday with the ones you love.