September 20, 2024

Gaylord Snow 2013

ashrinkingbackyard, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Otsego County – Here is a picture Deb took a few minutes ago in our backyard. I keep my driveway clean as a whistle . I’m almost obsessed wanting it clean everytime it snows . And we have been getting a couple inches of new snow pretty much everyday for the last two weeks. Those 2 inches everyday are slowly adding up as you can see.
I don’t like the high snowbanks in the front yard so i have fun moving the snow to the backyard with the mini Waldon loader. Playing on my little tractors in the snow is my most fun I have in the winter .
Some people just keep driving over the snow and pack it down and their driveway is a slippery mess for weeks after it stops snowing. My driveway melts clean and dry in just one sunny day and then it seems like spring just having a dry driveway. I am still having a great time on the Waldon as it is perfect for two or three inches of snow. But it is still good to know I have the 455 with the snowblower waiting for those 12 to 15 inch snowstorms that we always get a few times in Feb. and March.
Have a great Thurs.
