September 20, 2024

Gaylord Snow on my Birthday and on Mothers Day

amothersdaysurprise, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Snow – We woke up today to two or three inches of new snow . Not very exciting but it could be worse , ha,ha. So Deb and I will enjoy the day just the same.
Mothers Day Thanks – First and foremost I have to thank my mom for being such a nice person all these years. We know moms who control their kids their whole life and when they don’t listen to them, the mom dis-owns the kids for the rest of their lives. If you do have a bad mom it isn’t your fault , it is hers. You are probably a very nice person.
My mom never caused any trouble my whole life and she has always been so good to Deb and Nicole and me. Thanks Mom , smooch ! Were going to have a fun summer with you guys , can’t wait.
Another mom I love is of course Deb , she is so special everyone that knows her sees the goodness and kindness in her. She would never hurt anyone so it is too bad her mother dis-owned her over 30 years ago . When she was 21 years old she made the mistake of telling her mom no and that was the end of it.
But my mom , and Nicole and me never abandoned Deb and we love her so much and do appreciate her every single day.
Thanks Deb !! Smooch !!
Thanks Nicole for being such a nice daughter and such a great mom TOO.
So glad we have a real loving relationship that you can tell mom and I no and we still love you want to see you every chance we can. We love the facetime visits several times a week and are already counting the days to see you guys again.
Happy Mothers Day (:>)