July 5, 2024

Gaylord Weather , Just another Average Day

aaaplow, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Two degrees below zero , windchills 15 to 20 below , four inches of new snow overnight . Just another day in Gaylord.
I’ll just plow my driveway with my little walk behind plow , no need to start a tractor for this whimpy little amount of snow. I should just shovel it by hand to get the exercise, ha,ha. But it is the fun of using my new little invention walk behind 52 inch plow. This is my best invention in years. I use it everytime it snows to push the snow away from the edges of the garage and walk . I love this crazy little contraption.
The oversized tires and the light duty blade I made are the key. A heavy blade and small tires would not work.
Day 7 – Today Deb and I are on day 7 of eating healthy. We never believed in Diet products, Never drank diet pop, never had sugar substitutes , never had fake butter , always had the real thing . We never drank alcohol , never smoked , and we take no prescription drugs so when we decide to get back on track it takes us 8 weeks and we feel great . It really is nothing but a little common sense. Mini meals is also a key , no need to sit down to a big meal when you get such small portions.
Juicing – Diets and juicing is just another scam .
Common sense is your taking 10 apples to make one small glass of apple juice ?? at 80 calories per apple that is 800 calories in that glass . Just try to eat ten apples , you can’t do it . 20 oranges for a small glass of juice. Try eating 20 oranges. Juicing is about selling juicing machines and grocery stores selling lots of extra fruit. Not very practical .
Grilled Chicken today , yum ! Later today I will brush the snow off the grill out back and grill some chicken , I love smoky grilled chicken . I always throw a small piece of wood in the grill for smoke flavor.
I hear the City snowplows going by right now so off I go to play outside in the Water Winter Wonderland of Michigan .
Have a great Tues.