September 20, 2024

Gold Rush Alaska Reality Show Short Lived

goldrushalaska, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Gold Rush – Deb and I been waiting all summer for the hit TV Show called Gold Rush to begin the new season last night. Seems it started and ended the same night . The owner of the mine sold the property and kicked them off. So that has to be the shortest reality show yet, ha,ha.
Gold Mining Equipment – Deb wants me to load up my little machines and head to Alaska to strike it rich . Got to buy a mini excavator first, ha,ha. At these current gold prices Alaska has got to be full of prospectors looking for the mother load of gold.
Flying Wild Alaska – Ariel Tweto was fun to watch but last night the new show started for the season and Ariel was only in one short segment. Seems she got a taste of California life and talk shows and decided that lonely little town of hers in Alaska was not that exciting . She is living in the big city and loving all the attention. She did tweet she is in more of the shows.
Mc-Rib is Back- It has been years since I had a Mc-Rib sandwich and I used to like them until I got very sick eating one .
Farmers Market – Heading down to the farmers market for apples and ground beef . They sell the best farm grazed buger , yum !!
Mack Truck R 1/4 scale progress- I am now working on the second door and should get in attached on hinges this afternoon to the second cab side.
Have a great Sat.