September 20, 2024

Great Day together with the family (:>).

Alma , Michigan Fun- Today we all got together in Alma, Michigan for my moms surprise Birthday Party. It is the first time we have all been able to get together in several years. The weather was Great !, the Food was Great and several family members provided live entertainment . There was little girls with dads doing gymnastics, teenage girls doing synronized dancing, dads doing Riverdance , and even my nephew and myself entertaining the crowd with a fantastic duel juggling routine that ended up taking the first place trophy for most talented relatives in the family . Oh Yea !!
It was a tie between us and the cute little 5 year old gymnastic routine .
But we were able to persuade the judges as both us jugglers were both married to them and take the 1st place trophy after all , LOL
The swimming pool was filled to capacity all afternoon and the usual two or three major water fights erupted when overly sensitive relatives accidently got splashed, ha,ha,ha, .
My mom had a great afternoon and a book was made of favorite pictures of each family to give to her.
Even Nicole and Bill made the trip home from Wash. D.C. so that even made the day even greater.
As I sit here tonight writing my blog I got that neat warm and fuzzy feeling inside knowing I have so many cool relatives.
Usually I mostly write about Deb, Nicole and Bill and my folks , and I forget to talk about how much I love my whole family .
So I want to say a big thanks to the whole family for a wonderful afternoon !! (:>).
Now we are back home and resting up for Father’s Day activities on Sunday.
You can see in todays picture Deb and I and Nicole and Bill in the center of the crowd.
Deb will put together a smilebox and share some of our favorite memories.
Hope you all had a Great Saturday Too !!