September 19, 2024

Great Lakes Ice Breakers at work and boatnerd Don Campbell liking it.

Todays picture shows two Ice Breakers leading the way near Port Huron freeing up a major ice jam just ahead of the 1000 footer James Barker coming downbound with it’s first load of coal for the power plant. This ice jam had trapped a smaller freighter earlier .
Seeing pictures of ice breakers at work will always be special to us . We remember watching out the side of the ice breaker as we broke ice and we watched the cracks start and go for several blocks . That was probably one of the more enjoyable things Deb and I did while we were on board opening up the shipping channels.
Hey Deb !, What’s for Supper ? Tonight Deb put me in charge and I grilled some steaks and scallops along with fresh mushrooms and onions, yum !!
P&H 5700 Cable Excavator Progress- Today I started welding some of the parts for the bucket assembly. It’s going to be a good sized bucket as my head fits inside it ?, and I got a big head, ha,ha.
Have a nice Tues. !!