September 19, 2024

Great Vacation !!!!!!!!!!!!!

athumbsup, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

It was a long , cold winter that dragged on what seamed forever. The only thing keeping our spirits high was counting the days to go see Nicole, Bill and Terak and to see their new home. This was the best vacation ever as I enjoyed helping Bill building a patio out back, building shelves in the garage , and washing all the cars. I had a great time helping Nicole too in the yard as we planted 16 new shrubs , one tree and 30 flower plants .
We got to know a few of the new neighbors who are all very nice and we took daily walks enjoying the manicured lawns . It truely has been a wonderful vacation. Most of all we got to spend some quality time with Terak as Nicole and Bill were at work a few mornings each week. Well, Bill was at work everyday , all day , ha,ha.
This vacation will keep us going now until mid summer when we all get together again .
Soon I’ll be caught up in my own yard work and get back to the garden tractor progress.
Have a great Wed.