September 19, 2024

Half Scale Case Tractor and Don Campbell checking it out.

Case Tractor – Todays picture is a photo taken several years ago as I checked out this half scale masterpiece . This is why I bought the Waldons to cut them up and use the axles and engines and hydraulics to make two nice looking 1/2 scale farm tractors. And if it doesn’t start snowing it looks like I won’t get to use them for plowing snow either, ha,ha.
Hey Deb !!, What’s For Lunch and supper ?- Today for lunch we celebrated the Minn. Vikings victory over the Dallas Cowboys yesterday and went to Culvers and for supper we were still celebrating and went out for Chinese Food. (:>).
Next weekend will be no picnic for sure but we will still be very proud of Brett and the team no matter how it ends up.
Cat 797F – Today I worked on the rear axle and the rear suspension .
Have a great Monday !!!!!!!!!!