September 19, 2024

Half Scale jd 720 narrow front by Don Campbell

donclutchwheel, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Garden tractor parts, garden tractor pullers- Todays progress picture on the half scale jd 720 narrow front shows the front tri-rib tires now monuted on rims and attached to the front axles. You can also see progress on the front nose of the hood . This afternoon I built the cowling for the steering section and the dash. On the right side you can see the clutch wheel, the clutch pads, linkage and the clutch lever. And last you can see the frame work in front of the clutch. Tonight I cut out the first opening on the right side of the front where the screen will go. So it has been a productive time since the last picture before we went camping.
Frost for Gaylord- 90 degree again and now back to highs in the 50’s with a slight chance of frost.
Garden tractor Steering wheels – Go cart steering wheels is what i ordered two of and they should arrive Thurs. 12 inch dia, I’ll have to see how I like them . They were very inexpensive at only $15.00 ea. so hopefully they will work good.
Have a great Tues.