September 19, 2024

Half Scale John Deere gets new exhaust system.

anewexhaustsystem, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

John Deere 4×4 articulating garden tractor project- This morning I worked on the front hood more and had to stop and cut off the old muffler and start building the new design for the tubing to work off to the side , then down , then to the rear where it will eventually hook up to the large exhaust stack. Can’t wait to fire it up in a week or two to hear how it is going to sound. I think it would be too loud without a muffler inserted in it. But it would sound pretty cool if it was loud, ha,ha. Most of the time I will use it will be winter and plowing snow so most people would not hear it with all their windows closed.
By next weekend the hood should be all braced up and the main tractor frame extended by 12 inches with the hood pins built so the hood can be raised and lowered very easy.
Moving Day – Nicole , Bill and Terak had a busy day yesterday but the movers and Bill’s brother Fred all got everything out of the townhouse . They have boxes and boxes of stuff everywhere but now they can slow down a little bit and work on it each day. Terak already met the little neighbor boy and said he was scared of him because he kicked a ball in his direction, lol Now that he lives in the country he will have a real yard to kick a ball.
Bill’s twin brother and his wife and kids just bought a newer home just 6 miles from Bill and Nicole so they are all very excited to be so close for the first time since the kids were born.
Have a great Sat.