September 20, 2024

Half scale tractor lights installed

alightsetlit, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Garden tractor lights- Todays picture shows 4 of the 6 led headlights and one of the two fender mounted orange flashing lights mounted on the half scale jd 4020 . I been wanting to get this tractor hooked up with lights for a long time.
Steiner 430 Max- This afternoon I also installed two rear orange and red flashing lights on the rear fenders. When plowing out by the road it is safer having flashing lights.
Bennethums Celebration – Deb took me out for supper tonight to celebrate her getting her first ever Social Security Check. I told her that is her money to spend as she wishes and not to use to pay any bills. I want it to be fun for her to get that money every month for her after her working all those years. She is excited and she did want to take me out to our favorite resturaunt to make it official.
FOURTEEN INCHES OF SNOW – What could be better for me than to be getting 14 inches of snow tomorrow? Well, the fact Nicole, Bill and that cute little baby boy arrive at the same time tomorrow. What a exciting beginning to the Christmas Holiday . yippee !! Terak is really going to enjoy grandpas variety of toys this year. We have boxes of toy tractors for him to rummage through. We also have a small farm layout from when Nicole was young that we saved all these years. Not to mention he could get one or two more new toys under the Christmas Tree (:>) . Plus the fact he gets to open his Birthday present tomorrow at our house.
Have a great Wed.