September 20, 2024

Half scale tractors , 12 years of waiting .

JD Expo – It was about 12 years ago Deb took a few pictures of me looking at these two half scale jd tractors at the JD Expo . I remember very clear talking to this fellow who made them and i was going on and on about what a awesome job he did building them and how i just thought they were so cool. I walked around both of them each a dozen times and squatting down looking under them and at every angle. Then I remember this fellow changing his tone a little bit and saying to me , I suppose now your going to go home and start making these too ?? I remember laughing and saying to him I’m afraid it takes a lot more than looking at them to be able to make them. It is very rare that someone can duplicate a tractor with so much detail as you have. I’m sure his are much nicer than mine and I see his 730 narrow front like mine doesn’t have rear fenders and mine does, ha,ha. So he won’t think I ended up making mine from those picture Deb took that day, ha,ha. I am already getting people asking me to make them one of the narrow front John Deeres in half scale.
Seems there are a lot of people who still like those old fashioned narrow front tractors.
I’m having a few internet issues the last couple days ,
Have a nice Sat.