September 20, 2024

half scale tractors, pulling tractors and here is more progress on my grandsons first tractor.

terakstractordecals, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Narrow Front garden tractors- Todays progress picture shows the new shifting knob with the blinking led lights with several blinking modes. I’m sure Terak will enjoy playing with that. Also the first decals are now on confirming that this really is Teraks tractor .
I still got work to do on the other side and got to put some levers on both sides of the seat for him to move but it is getting close to looking great for him. Also his name on the front ends of the chrome tank. Very fun project.
90 degress and too hot to weld today .
Komatsu Mining Excavator – I played hooky today from the welder , just too hot. Tomorrow it is supposed to cool off in the 60’s.
Have a great Monday !!