September 19, 2024

Half scale tractors, pulling tractors for Don Campbell

don730hood, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Narrow front Garden Tractors- Tractor shows for the summer are beginning and I’ll be keeping my eye out for any unique projects other people are building . Today i am cutting out the metal and bending it for the rear fenders. This old Montgomery Wards tractor from the 60’s is going to look pretty cool again after sitting in a old dark barn for many years.
GreenBay Packers- Donald Driver brings home the TROPHY !! to the Packers thanks to the Packer Nation who supported him on Dancing With the Stars. We were very happy Donald won because the old Judge named Len was always robbing Donald of a better deserved score. In the end he WON , yippee !
This is probably the sign of a another winning season . I’m sure Donald will be showing some of his fancy footwork on the football field this fall, ha,ha.
Have a great Wed.