September 20, 2024

Half-scale Versatile 4×4 articulating Tractor with Duel wheels.

halfscaleversatile, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Versatile Tractors- I remember in the 70’s a couple farmers in Central Michigan had 2 or three big 4×4 articulating Versatile Tractors . I always thought they were so cool because there just weren’t many big 4×4 tractors in the area. Most farmers had smaller straight frame tractors. So when I spotted this picture a couple weeks ago I thought it was so cool !! and so unique as i have never seen any other Versatile tractor built in half scale before.
New Years Eve – We got all the goodies for our fondue meal tomorrow night and it looks like the weather is going to be mild so the drunks will have a better chance of getting home.
Gaylord Snowplowing today – I got to fire up the little JD this morning plow the driveway and plow the neighbors driveway as we had over 2 inches of snow building up . Driving on it makes it turn slippery and icy so I had no choice but to plow, ha,ha. 4 to 6 inches of snow in the forecast for Sunday night so we’ll see. It got up to almost 40 degrees this afternoon.
Grilled Buffalo for supper- Bill’s family is having the first buffalo burgers tonight on the grill and he brought us some too.
Have a great Friday !!