October 4, 2024

Handbuilt mini grader, Don Campbell likes it.

Handbuilt grader- Todays picture shows the size of models I want to build , ha,ha. Very cool.
First day of Fall- Deb and I went for our first walk together since she stopped watching pre-schoolers and it seemed great.
After 25 years I am very happy it is over. Deb and I got so many colds and the flue so many times a year from the kids. Just knowing we won’t be sick as much will seem nice.
Deb certainly paid her dues , watching little kids is a lot of work too.
She was very kind to everyone of them right to the last two little boys. Now they are at a larger daycare with lots of kids to play with.
It is just hard to believe we get our whole house back after all those years (:>).
Rimpull Coal Hauler Truck- I got the exhaust stacks done . Next I will build the front top tank .
I am now easing up my running to walking to rest up my knees for race day.