September 19, 2024

Hang in There !! more below zero weather next week

aaahang, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Sure sign of a rough winter – Yippee , we only got 1 inch of snow today , but the day isn’t over yet, ha,ha. Another dark gloomy day in Gaylord up on the mountain in the clouds.
Once again we don’t care about the 110 inches of snow we have , that is no problem. Even the high temps in the single digits or the teens is not the worst part but 20 days or more a month with no sun is taking it’s toll on all of us, even the snowman in the backyard is getting a little down in the dumps, ha,ha.
American Idol – We watched the show last night and we thought they cut back on the hurtful comments to the kids singing and we thought it seemed a little more classy . Not sure yet about the new judge yet, have to wait a couple weeks to see. Very few of the singers knew who he even was .
Overall it was fun to watch compared to all the other junk on TV.
Below Zero Temps on it’s way – No more above 32 degree weather , those two days we had are over. High temps next Tues. will be 1 below zero. brr No Jan. thaw in sight yet.
Going to get out of the house and take Deb out for lunch today .
Day 15 – I did not walk on the treadmill or jog yesterday because I get a much harder workout shoveling snow . That 9 inches of snow kept me burning calories enough.
We continue to cut back 95% on our junk food and it is paying off. Today is a new day and we got another great start. Hope your all sticking with your New Years Resolution too.
Have a great Thurs.