September 19, 2024

Happy Anniversary DEb

256922952_14e904b764_o, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

41 years ago Deb and I eloped and drove to Gaylord and got married at the courthouse .
A few weeks earlier I bought this Corvette and Deb was sad that I would break up with her .
She was the one who made the Little Red Corvette so much fun. With out her beside me in that car it would have meant nothing.
For 35 years after that we had 6 different Corvettes and without Deb riding beside me they would have meant nothing. Thanks Deb for a great ride.
Now days even if we ride bikes we have so much fun.
I am so blessed to have Deb in my life .
Thanks Deb for everything .
Now lets hop in the car today and go enjoy this one more day God has given us (:>)
Have a great Day