October 4, 2024

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY NICOLE AND BILL , 9 fun years together (:>).

God’s Gift – Todays picture shows Nicole and Bill this weekend in old town Alexandria where they stayed over night to celebrate their ninth Wedding anniversary. Nicole said some young couple got married below them on Sat. night and that brought back many fun memories for them. But the highlight for Nicole of their stay at this elegant Hotel was you could request a fish in a fishbowl to be brought up to your room, ha,ha. The gold fish was named sebastian and Nicole enjoyed having a new pet for a short time, LOL
Deb and I got home from yet another fun weekend of summer fun .
I often think of how different my life may have been without Deb in it. . The day I met Deb was definately one of those defining moments in a persons life that Dr. Phil talks about . I thank God often for helping Deb make a tough decision 37 years ago and today knowing she made the right decision and no regrets.
I also often thank God for our great daughter Nicole and bringing Bill into her life to share a friendship like Deb and I have .
Todays picture shows them toasting what I hope is either pop or grape juice, ha,ha.
Tomorrow I will get back to the shop and by next weekend the RH-400 should be looking pretty close to being done. Hopefully the Track chain will get here from China ?, as it has been over three weeks of waiting , ha,ha.
Have a Great Sunday with the ones you love !! Enjoy today and don’y worry about tomorrow , because for hundreds of people today is their last day and sadly they don’t know it.
Deb and I live each day to the fullest and we don’t take it for granted.