October 4, 2024

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY NICOLE AND BILL . Don shares the secrets for a successful marriage.

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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY NICOLE AND BILL . Don shares the secrets for a successful marriage.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY NICOLE AND BILL . Don shares the secrets for a successful marriage.

Seven years ago today we shared the memories of our only child getting married. All of you long time regular visitors know Nicole is my special sweetheart. Knowing she is happy makes it possible for me to wake up each day feeling so thankful.
I always told Nicole I just wanted her to be average in life as she got older .
I never wanted her to be the best at everything . I knew parents like that and their kids often became very frustrated and they ended up feeling like a failure to their parents.
It only takes a couple negative words as a child from a parent and it sticks with them the rest of their lives.
And all you regular visitors also know I think the world of my son-in-law, Bill. The only thing we questioned about Bill was that he drove the junkiest , rustyest pickup truck in Gaylord, ha,ha.
Seeing that all my vehicles were the cleanest, shiniest in Gaylord, including my tractors, LOL. , no , that is all true. (:>)
I quess God was testing us and the first time Nicole brought Bill home to meet us , that was all it took.
Once we had Bill fill out the 50 question form we had all her dates fill out, LOL.
He had to get at least a 90% on the form and he got a 95%.
So we knew he was the one for her and he has ended up being the kindest husband Nicole could have ever found .
He is so good to her and he has brought Nicole closer to God and that is the best thing of all .
It is their friendship they both have with God that gives them the strength to do well in life. And they are sure doing well. We are very proud of them in a time close to 60% of marriages are failing.
Marriage Tips from Don – I’m speaking now from experience and I see Nicole and Bill took my advice and it has worked so far.
And that is I bought a little Red Corvette when we were dating and I think that was the secret for a lasting marriage. LOL
This picture is a picture of Nicole and Bill next to their second sportscar. This was their first Viper.
So it looks like sports cars are the answer to a good marriage, ha,ha.
Happy Anniversary Nicole and Bill , We are very proud of you guys !!!
Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love
P.S. Nicole just got a new car last week !! (:>).