September 20, 2024

Happy Birthday DEB

_DSC0157, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

A very Special Birthday – Deb and i have spent many birthdays together but this one is really special . Now Deb can officially sign up for SS and start getting monthly checks. So for the first time in our lives were going to be RICH !!! Hopefully they won’t spend that last trillion and a half dollars in Wash. D.C. before Deb gets her first check, LOL
Our lives started out very sad together as Deb’s mom kicked her out of the house 40 years ago for not breaking up with me. Her mom thought Deb was spending too much time with me and not enough time with her sister. Then the same time I found out i was drafted for Vietnam and not knowing I would ever return was very sad. Two big strikes against us making it in life . Now 40 years later we managed to survive by staying very close to each other. Deb’s family lost a very nice person in their lives that day and i kept my promise to always be good to her. Nicole grew up to be such a nice person and great wife and now a great mom . Deb’s one request for her Birthday this year was to get to see Nicole , Bill and that little Baby Terak .
It looks like I’ll be a little bit off on the Birthday but it looks like it will happen .
So Deb I know you and I are going to have a fun late Birthday Present soon.
I’m taking Deb out to our favorite resturaunt for supper, then Midget Wrestling, then roller skating, then a zip line ride , then a show, then a evening of romance next to the fireplace. Maybe a tractor pull too , ha,ha.
Have a great Sat.