September 20, 2024


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Happy Birthday Nicole,
These pictures are of Nicole at 6,7,8,and 9 years old at her Birthday Parties. When Nicole started Kindergarden,, she made a few new friends in her class.
We wanted her to have a fun Birthday Party for her first year in school and we wanted to have her invite 8 or ten little girls to the party from her class. When it came write down to the final pick, she said she actually liked all of them. So Deb and I had her invite all of them as not to leave anyone out.
It turned out to be a great decision and we had a house full of screaming little girls. For the next several years birthdays she stayed friends with most of those little girls and they came to several more of her parties.
Once she got in High School , she still invited 8 of the original girls from the first party . Deb and I have a lot of fun memories on her Birthdays over the years. The three of us would head out to buy peanuts and mints to put in little paper cups, party hats, party favors, we would order the special cake and get ice cream. We would get matching plates and cups and tablecloths . It was fun for me too seeing how excited she was even before the party day.
Now she lives far away and the parties are all done , but the many fun memories of eating Birthday cake and ice cream with a bunch of giggly little girls will last forever.
I was only invited to one Birthday party when I was about 6 years old. It was a girls party and I was very nervous to go. I’m very glad I did, because I was never invited to another one. That one party was a blast and I never forgot the enjoyment I got and those feelings from that one little girls party. Those few memories led me to make sure Nicole had lots of fun fun and shared some fun memories with other kids for them all to remember .
Sometimes something that happens in our lives at a young age can stay with us the rest of our life. Even if it is only one time and for just a short amount of time.
That nice little girl that invited me to her party made a very cool lifetime memory for me .
Sunday Message- Even though I am not a very good example as the perfect Christian, I hope something I have shared with all of you with my personal thoughts or my family adventures over the last five years has had a little bit of a positive effect in some small way.
And for you people who are non-believers, maybe someday something little I do say about Jesus and my life and my family will help in some way.
I cannot force anyone to be a Christian as no-one could force me too to be one. It’s from inside we must know God in a personal friendship. We don’t have to be a Jesus Freak , although that is my secret goal in my life, ha,ha.
Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love,