September 19, 2024

Happy Birthday NICOLE !!!

Our MIRACLE – Todays picture is of our only child Nicole on her first Birthday 31 years ago. Deb and I were married 8 years before we had this beautiful little girl. We tried for the next 30 years to have a second child but it was all just a waste of time, LOL Just kidding DEB !
God only wanted us to have one daughter and she is such a great daughter. She was so good growing up and she never caused us any grief and she got a job at 15 years old and has worked ever since. She works part time now because of the baby but her and Bill adjust work so they can both watch him. It is still hard to believe the last two weeks as Deb and I sat babysitting Nicole’s little boy that she really has a baby. Her and Bill were married 10 years before they had Terak. So maybe Terak is their little Miracle too (:>) Now we have two mighty fine miracles and got to say thanks to God for them.
Happy Birthday Nicole !!