October 4, 2024

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE !! Todays picture is Nicole and me 30 years ago.

Todays picture shows me looking at our new little baby girl Nicole.
Thirty years ago today we were in the Gratiot County Hospital in Alma , Mi. and it was a snowy blizzard outside.
Luckily for us Deb had just ok’d for me to buy a 4 inch lift kit and 35″ tall monster mudder tires for my 4×4 truck. (:>).
I told her we might need them items to get to the hospital should the weather turn nasty during her labor.
Sure enoughwe got a major storm and the schools were closed in the area for three days so it was a really bad storm for Central Michigan and the lift kit and monster mudder tires came in very handy. The drifts were so bad in the country roads, we actually drove in the farmers fields to get home that night.
My next memory of that time 30 years ago was I remember I was really hoping for a little baby boy , as I didn’t think I would even know what to say to a little girl ? I thought of all the things I could make the new little baby boy as he grew up and the bond we would have riding ATV’s in the woods and such and driving the Corvettes.
I had walked down and checked the nursery a hour before Deb was ready to deliver and their were five new baby boys in their and no baby girls. So I was certain another baby boy would be their soon ??
Before I knew it I had a pair of scissors in my hand and I was cutting the cord and on the verge of passing out at the same time.
As I held Nicole for the very first time I began to cry . At that moment I never thought again for the next 30 years I had wanted a baby boy !
Instead a hour later in the nursery when i checked on Nicole all the baby boys were already staring at her and I felt my very first protective moment for my new little girl Nicole , ha,ha.
I’ll have to say I have many of those feelings to protect Nicole over the years. (:>).
And yes we still bought three atv’s when Nicole was 3 years old and yes Nicole did drive my Corvettes and later in life I drove her Corvette along with their Viper. (:>).
Funny how you worry about how your life will be after having kids, and funny afterwards how empty our life would have been without Nicole.
There is no greater feeling to see Nicole all grown up and happy in her own life with a great job and a nice home and a great husband and most of all a close bond with us.
Nicole , Deb and I don’t E-mail everyday of course but we do try to e-mail each other at least 360 days a year (:>).
Happy Birthday Nicole !! Your the BEST !! I Love you ! SMOOCH !