September 19, 2024

Happy Birthday Terak

abigwheel, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Two Years Old- Today is Teraks second Birthday already. He still seems like a baby but he is growing fast. He is tall and thin and he never went through the baby fat chunky stage. We think he is very smart too as he knows a lot of steps on the I-phone and I-pad . He knows sign language , he knows over 50 words , can count to ten and can say most of his A,B.C,s already. Nicole and Bill are so proud of that little guy and so are we.
It’s hard to believe he likes tractors already . All the toys he has to play with the little JD tractors are his favorite.
What a nice little boy he is and he is always smiling.
Won’t be long and they will be home for the Holidays and we get to make some more great memories with them.