September 19, 2024

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM, Don doesn’t want to cause trouble in the family .

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM, Don doesn’t want to cause trouble in the family .

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM, Don doesn’t want to cause trouble in the family .

First of all on my blog today I want to say to my very nice mom a big
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We still have a lot of fun together and lots of laughs. I love you !
Second I want to thank my favorite nephew , Randy from Idaho for sending me these two cool pictures of this Antique Cat Dozer and Cat pull type grader that he drives by every week.
Randy was not always my favorite nephew. It used to be Greg , but since Randy has been sending me machinery pictures , I had to readjust my list , LOL.
Sorry Greg in Hawaii . I’m sure once you move back to the states we can talk about changing the favorite nephew list again, ha,ha.
just kidding Greg, just between us your’re still the favorite. Really!!
Randy is a Preacher in a church in Idaho. I think he has been sending me machinery pictures to help me get closer to him so I will get closer to God !. Christians can be sneaky like that. LOL
Just kidding Randy !!,
All of you that have visited my daily blog/page over the last five years know Deb, Nicole , Bill and I are very close to God and we are very proud to let people know we are Christians. Everyday I thank God for giving me one more day with them.
Now back to the nephews,
Kieth used to be my favorite , and Bill and Chad was up their too and Corey is pretty high on my list again after visiting with him at the wedding last weekend, (:>).
I hope I haven’t caused any hard feelings in the family, (:<).
Seriously, I very much repect Randy , he is very creative like me and he is very together like me. He loves his family and he loves the great outdoors. He has three little boys that also love the great outdoors.
All the family pictures are very cute as they are all dressed in Camoflage so that is pretty neat knowing he is so close to his little boys.
Melissa is his wife and now she is a little on the spunky side, well lets say, she is a lot on the spunky side! , ha,ha !!! Melissa , JUST KIDDING !!!!
They visit my page on a regular basis so I had to kid her a little too . (:>).
Once again hope I haven’t offended any of the family with my humor. It just all for fun as we need more laughter these days.
I like this webpage/blog to be a happy , positive place to come .
And after the last two weeks , I ready to look positive again.
Dan – Mom said he got his first taste of theropy and they don’t baby them. At this rate , Dan should be on his way home by the end of the day, ha,ha.
Debbie- Debbie still needs more prayers and lots of time.