September 19, 2024

Hitachi EX-8000 in 1/12th scale Don Campbell’s progress

Hitachi EX-8000 – I now have the boom, stick and 6 cylinders roughed in similar to this picture. Now I am working on the base of the swivel section . You can see the bottom edge is tapered and is a walkway and that is what I am now working on.
SCALAWAGS FISH AND CHIPS- Today Deb and I headed to Petosky to do a little Christmas Shopping . It got up to 60 degrees and it was so nice out. We decided to splurge and split a three piece fish and chips meal at our favorite fish place called Scallawags. YUM !! Just a slight bit on the greasy side , but we had not eaten there in three months so we figured we needed a little grease, ha,ha. It was SO GOOD !!
We got more shopping done and headed for home enjoying the sunshine on the nice ride.
Deer Hunting Season – We have noticed quite a few campers in town the last few days as the deer hunters have arrived. After tomorrow the deer will be totally spooked and the car/deer accidents should rise about 80%, ha,ha.
Wild Pig Hunting – There is getting to be so many wild pigs now that several states have ok’d it to shoot them. It was reported just this week that a group of 150 wild pigs was seen in Central Michigan . That is the largest group spotted so far. They do a lot of damage to the farmers crops and some of the ones that have been shot have had rabies.
RUNNING – Deb and I were up early and running before 9:00am. We slept in a little today . Now that I got my 60 days done I am really going to cut back and just run a couple miles each day and walk the rest of the 5K course with Deb. She runs and joins me on my return run and then we walk together and that is more fun than me running the whole course alone as I have done for several weeks.
I have now proved to myself even as a senior citizen I can run a 5K (:>). It don’t sound like much, but none of our friends could start running at our age and run a 5K or even want too , ha,ha. So that also makes me very proud of Deb as she is also doing SUPER at her running (:>).
Have a Great Sat. !!!!!!!!!!!