September 20, 2024

Hitachi EX-8000 Mining Shovel in 1/12th scale being built by Don Campbell.

Hitachi EX-8000 Shovel Parts- Todays picture shows the next progress picture in the construction of the big shovel. You can see the front folding stairs now built and in place and you can see the air exchanger units and the exhaust stacks now built and in place. There is still lots to do yet but now it is starting to take a lot of it’s shape. Tonight I worked on the boom walkway and railings. Monday I will take the first picture of the boom mounted to the center frame brackets. I also still have several days of work on the bucket yet. Next weekend I hope to get going on the tracks and track frames and center frame.
Cat 797F Monster Truck- The monster 797F is the next monster truck I will start building later in Dec.
Morning Running – Deb and I continue to enjoy our morning running. Deb wears a red sweatshirt and I wear a bright orange sweatshirt . I leave before Deb and we got it figured out that when I get to my turn around point, and Deb makes her turn onto the same street we can faintly see each other off a mile in the distance. It is pretty fun running towards each other knowing us two senior citizens are not giving up yet on our health . When we do meet up Deb turns around and we high five each other and then we run together a few blocks and then I run on ahead several blocks until my next turn around point. Then I see Deb again and we meet for another high five and then we stop running and walk several blocks together to unwind from the running. It is still hard to believe we are running every morning at our age. We are pretty proud of ourselves to even try to do this. Believe it or not, we have ten times less the aches and pains that we had just sitting around all the time.
Have a Great Sat. !!!!!!!!!!!