September 19, 2024

Hitachi EX-8000 Mining Shovel Parts in 1/12th scale being cut out by Don Campbell .

Hitachi EX-8000 Mining Shovel- Todays picture shows the very first progress and one of the very first parts being cut out on my hand shear . I use 18 ga. sheet metal for those of you who were curious. It is easy to cut and very sturdy. I did try 20 ga. but it was just too flimsy and weak and also tricky to weld.
RIMPULL – This morning I got the cab interior parts painted and the wheels mounted to the tractor and the windows put in the cab. I also got the radiator , side tanks , exhaust stacks , front bumper top deck and railings all mounted. I have to wait a few more days for the yellow trailer paint to dry well enough to tape them off to paint the green sides.
RUNNERS WORLD- Today I ran my 48th time of my 5K route around Gaylord. It was lightly raining but 55 degrees. So I wore lighter clothes and it was a real strong run. I am still just running to get in shape at this stage and not running yet for time. Everything I have read in the last few months says the best running is when you are relaxed. Worrying about my time would just be stressful to me.
I talked to the fellow at the running store yesterday and he said he has not been able to run in four months. He said he went out to run a 10K and was totally stressed and he just pushed himself the whole race and ruined his knee. He said he should have never ran that day being so stressed. So many injuries runners get from pushing too hard and trying to beat their old records. Deb , Nicole and I have always joked I am the ( turtle ). Seems my whole life everyone around me has worked circles around me . But in no time they are gone on to something else. I have just slowly plugged away for the last 20 years plowing snow and doing landscaping and lawncare and making a toy here and there along the way.
I am very content just being the turtle, ha,ha.
Even if I come in last at a race I am still ahead of all those folks that will have to get up and lose weight eventually . (:>).
Have a Great Friday !!!