September 20, 2024

HO Trains and Don Campbell 29 years ago

dontrain, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Toy Trains – Some of you new visitors to my page may not have seen this picture from 29 years ago of me in my basement playing trains. Although I never got serious about the hobby it was fun for a couple winters in the basement .
Today I am attaching the right side fuel tank.
Day five of weightwatchers- The holidays are over and we’re back to feeling better already. We have done this weight loss thing so many times we don’t need diet pills, or diet books or we don’t need to spend big bucks at the gym . We just go back to counting calories and go back to healthy choices. It really is just common sense. But each year around the holidays we get bored with it and just enjoy the junk food for several weeks. Last year Deb and I worked together and reached our goal of being healthier than we have been in 10 years. I biked several hundred miles on my mountain bike and I ran over 275 days last year. Winning a second place gold medal with a 23.30 5K run was the highlight of 2011 and beating 275 other runners was just awesome !! We’ll see if I can do better than that this summer (:>) Today is day five of Deb and I back on weightwatchers counting calories and switching back to healthy choices . We have no holiday regrets , the junk food is great fun for a few weeks but it sure feels great waking up from the junk food daze too.
Have a great Monday !!