September 19, 2024

I’m a Rebel and a Loner Dotty

amask, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Christmas Music while working in the flowers-
REALLY, Walmart has 20 semi trailers parked in their spare lot full of their Christmas inventory just in from China. I hear Kenny G on the radio everyday now playing Christmas Music . How very sad that the Chinese have so much control over all of us.
Halloween – Halloween is our least favorite time of year. There is so much violence in the world today and 75% of TV shows are killing related. Americans love seeing people being killed on TV. That is so sad.
We stopped at the Gaylord Halloween Store to get a few things for Teraks costume. We were looking for things for him a little farmer . We could not believe the nasty stuff in there. But I did manage to get a belly laugh out of Deb and she bent right over she thought my mask looked so funny.
So even in this gloomy , depressing store we made a positive fun memory. (:>)
When I saw this picture of me ,it was very scary !!
Moms progress- Mom’s broken arm is slowly getting better everyday . Still not sure about grandpa yet as the doctors are still trying figure out new medication to help calm him down . Any prayers are appreciated.
Cup half full or half empty ?- Each day I get up with my never healing fractured elbow, my bruised rib, my 30 year hernia
and several days a month my my back goes out , my knees hurt bad, and I have frequent migrane headaches.
It would be easy to say God , Why are you doing this to me ! , instead I say God thank you for giving me one more day to spend with Deb. (:>)
Deb and I do not take drugs as we are saving them for when we get really old and then they will really work. (:>)
So we just look at each other and laugh as it is pretty funny to think about.
One thousand people will die today that had no idea it is their last day , don’t take it for granted , go out and see the positive and enjoy this day one more day God has given us.
Have a great Monday !!