Another Fun Weekend – Todays picture is Deb and I making a fun little memory with Nicole and Bill .
Even though I was watching my weight and passed on not getting any ice cream , I couldn’t pass up at least getting a fresh , warm waffle cone to crunch on like a cookie. Plus Deb gave me a tablespoon of ice cream to put in it. (:>).
SOO LOCKS – Our first trip to the locks this year was fun, it was pretty quiet up there with only 20 campsites full. We did get to see several ships go through the locks while we were there.
We even walked through the Casino at the Soo and stopped to see a fellow win big ! The coins just kept falling and falling and falling out of the machine. Sounded like he must have won a million dollars? But I’m sure it was less than that, ha,ha.
But he must have been losing a lot before that because he wasn’t very enthused he won. in fact he sounded a little disgusted he didn’t win much more.
ELEVEN GOLDEN YEARS- This summer starts our 11th summer of camping and our eleventh year of our golden years. It will be nice when we do reach 65 to have those done with, ha,ha. just kidding
Actually , we just got a 20 year head start , we have talked to so many people at campgrounds that regret waiting to reach 65 to enjoy life.
Many of them say that they wished they had not worked their lives away waiting to hit 65 and then enjoy life together. Sadly in most cases one of them has bad health by 65 years old. So Deb and I feel great we have been able to have so many years already of camping and going on our little adventures together while we both still feel good.
We don’t have to go to fancy places to have fun, because we learned many years ago it really is the simple things in life that are most memorable.
Have a great Saturday