October 4, 2024

Italian Acco Grader center beam construction

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Italian Acco Grader center beam construction

Italian Acco Grader center beam construction

This picture shows how the main beam of the monster grader attaches to the front pivot point . You can also kinda see the rear section . I have the beam built and later this morning I will have it connected so the the front and rear of the model will be attached together for the first time. It’s going to be a very unique one of a kind model. This has been great fun building so far. I will post more pics of the real grader as I progress on the model.
Another rainy night with above freezing temps. has just about sealed us to have a non-white Christmas. With just flurries in the forcast now for the next couple days, it will seem very strange.
Trying to see the positive , we see the heat bills will be lower , fewer car accidents without all the slippery roads, all the money saved on snowplowing costs for our county and city workers, and best of all, I don’t have to wash the salt off the vehicles every other day. Also my tractor is staying nice and clean. The worse thing is I’m not making any snowplowing money. But there is nothing that can be done to change the weather , so the best thing is we just look at the few positive things and enjoy the mild weather.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve , we always have a lot of fun with Nicole and Bill home. Nicole has made out their daily schedule for their whole visit. It’s a busy vacation for them .
My folks are in Florida for the winter , we have never been down there. We always wanted to go spend a week or so with them, but I have plowed snow for the last 17 years and I could never get away during the winter months. If the winters stay like this, it could be possible in the future.
Selling my Snowmobile- With the snowmobile season over , I probably should sell it and buy a new motorcycle. lol.
DENVER SNOWPLOWING PICS- Tony E-mailed me last night and said they have doubled up the 47 graders to work together in pairs to assist each other if problems arise. He said they also have 22 plow trucks , 6 loaders and two D-7 dozers. They are working 12 hour days with 8 to 12 foot drifts. He said he will attach some pictures soon.
we are going to buy the software for the video clip procedure to my webpage today. Once we get that , we can start trying to figure out the first steps. Deb and I will probably be able to figure it out ourselves even without Nicole’s help, LOL !!! Another YouTube type video clip I want to add to my webpage is us climbing on the Bucyrus Erie Shovel with John. Nicole suggested I put a live webcam in my workshop so you can all see me actually building every stage of every future model. You would have to be sure you closed your eyes while I was welding, ha,ha.
Have a nice Sat.
Have a nice Sat.