September 19, 2024

Italian Acco Monster Grader, Biggest grader ever built

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Italian Acco Monster Grader, Biggest grader ever built

Italian Acco Monster Grader, Biggest grader ever built

This picture shows the front view of the mighty grader from Italy. Umberto Acco was the fellows name that was responsible for building this very unique looking monster. With a huge 33 foot wide blade mounted under it, I’m sure it could do some major grading jobs. I now have the front radiator done and in place on the front section along with the grab handles , headlights, engine hood and exhaust stack. I am working on the fenders now and will have them mounted after lunch. Then I will work on the front pivot mounting brackets that will eventually attach to the large center beam of the machine. Tomorrow I will get the rear pivot brackets built and welded in place. Then the center beam construction will be next.
Cat D-9G – I have the engine bolted in it and the hood in place. Tonight I will get the tracks mounted on it.
Komatsu 575A-3 Super Dozer- It still looks like this will be the next machine that will be built on my workbench.
Terex Titan Monster Truck- If I get the 24 offroad tires that have been ordered from Germany , the Titan will be moved up on the list . The Beauty and the Beast Truck is still a go too.
Tomorrow I’ll post another picture of another machine I want to have a video clip of on my webpage when Nicole comes home over the holidays.
Another warm weather day in the Alpine Village. I am tempted to get the Corvette out and let it run for 15 minutes and take it for a short ride.
The weatherman is saying it looks good for us to get a couple of inches of snow before Christmas Day. So we could have a white Christmas after all.
There is another snowmobile snowcross race scheduled for two weeks from now, we’ll see if that one is postponed or not.
The Area Treetops Golf Resort / Ski Resort says they plan to open the ski hill on Fri. this week . They have been busy making their own snow. We will take a run out there and take a picture or two to see how things look.
Thanks again for all the nice E-mails and all the Season Greetings from many of you.
This week makes it five years of having my webpage. It’s hard to believe I have been posting pictures for five years. It has been a lot of fun sharing so many fun memories we have made with a lot of you.
I have some regular visitors that tell me they have visited my webpage every week since I started it. That is pretty cool. I quizzed one fellow that told me that. I asked him random questions about Deb , Nicole and Bill and about some of the early models I posted . He had to think about some of the questions a minute or two, but I’ll be darned if he did know all the answers. So that was pretty cool.
In the five years I have never asked for any donations or anything from anyone. This is what I love to do and I will continue to do it because of the pure enjoyment that I get out of it.
I always think back when Nicole made it for me and I wasn’t sure about it , I thought it sounded very cool , but I knew nothing about computers. Even today I know nothing about computers, ha,ha. REALLY !! , if it wasn’t for Nicole this sight would have been shut down the first month. So we’ll see if Nicole can help me ( kick it up a knotch ) with some neat video clips. If she justs points Deb and I in the right direction, we should be able to figure it out. So a big thanks to Nicole for all the years of helping me on the website. And thanks to all of you who have said you love the new style website and how Nicole set it up. I think I hear DEb yelling for me to get off the computer and get back to work, ha,ha. Not really, just kidding!